Alert (S1-E5), diffusion du 18/01/25
Episode 5 : MiguelDure : 45minMiguel Salgado, travailleur en foyer daccueil, est port disparu. Sa disparition a t signale par son employeur, inquiet de ne pas le voir au travail. Son frre, le docteur Pirai Salgado, est la tte dune fondation et pense que le travail de Miguel peut avoir un rapport avec sa disparition. Lquipe retrouve rapidement sa trace, mais Nikki assiste, impuissante, son suicide. Cependant, Miguel a t aperu avec une femme enceinte peu avant sa mort, et cette dernire savre tre porte disparue depuis bien plus longtemps. De son ct, Sidney craint que Keith ne soit dangereux.Lire moinsL'avis Tl-Loisirs :Les enqutes se suivent et ne se ressemblent pas, avec une intrigue principale prenante sur la rapparition de Keith, fil rouge de cette premire saison, qui offre de nombreux rebondissements et rythme les diffrentes enqutes. On dplore cependant parfois un manque de cohrence.Lire moinsIMDB: A foster care worker is reported as missing, but after he ends his own life, the MPU starts to investigate a pregnant woman with whom he has seen and has been missing for 2 years; Sidney follows Keith and fears he may be dangerous.IMDB: A foster care worker is reported as missing, but after he ends his own life, the MPU starts to investigate a pregnant woman with whom he has seen and has been missing for 2 years; Sidney follows Keith and fears he may be dangerous.IMDB: A foster care worker is reported as missing, but after he ends his own life, the MPU starts to investigate a pregnant woman with whom he has seen and has been missing for 2 years; Sidney follows Keith and fears he may be dangerous.IMDB: A foster care worker is reported as missing, but after he ends his own life, the MPU starts to investigate a pregnant woman with whom he has seen and has been missing for 2 years; Sidney follows Keith and fears he may be dangerous.IMDB: A foster care worker is reported as missing, but after he ends his own life, the MPU starts to investigate a pregnant woman with whom he has seen and has been missing for 2 years; Sidney follows Keith and fears he may be dangerous.IMDB: 6.8/10 (202)Tl-Loisirs Rdaction: 2/5