Angelo la débrouille (S1-E12), diffusion du 29/01/25
Episode 12 : Un poisson nomm BubulleDure : 7minAprs la dmission du coach Zonka, Angelo recrute de nouveaux coachs et prpare un entranement inhabituel pour le match de basket contre l'quipe de l'cole Marie-Curie.Lire moinsL'avis Tl-Loisirs :Aucun avis pour l'instantIMDB: After Sherwood swallows Peter's goldfish, Angelo and Sherwood set out to find a replacement goldfish before Peter finds out his pet is missing.IMDB: After Sherwood swallows Peter's goldfish, Angelo and Sherwood set out to find a replacement goldfish before Peter finds out his pet is missing.IMDB: After Sherwood swallows Peter's goldfish, Angelo and Sherwood set out to find a replacement goldfish before Peter finds out his pet is missing.IMDB: After Sherwood swallows Peter's goldfish, Angelo and Sherwood set out to find a replacement goldfish before Peter finds out his pet is missing.IMDB: 8.1/10 (11)