Angelo la débrouille (S5-E32), diffusion du 18/12/24

France 4
Saison 5 Format : Srie TVGenre : Srie d'animationSortie : 2022Pays : Canada - Etats-Unis - France - Grande-Bretagne
18/12/24 ~ 14:23 - 14:43

Episode 32 : La soire matchDure : 11minQuand on a onze ans comme Angelo, la vie n'est pas tous les jours facile : il y a les adultes, la famille, les profs, tous ces rabat-joie qui te disent ce que tu dois faire, ce que tu dois dire, et bla bla bla Dans cette cinquime saison, Angelo va devoir composer avec les lves du trs branch Lyce Marie Curie dont la rivalit suscite des enjeux toujours plus fous, et recompose les alliances ! Heureusement, Angelo, en observateur malicieux, est aid par ses copains Lola et Victor. Ensemble ils vont tout faire pour s'assurer une place dans ce monde o les enjeux cologiques et socitaux s'invitent dsormais dans l'cole.IMDB: The basketball championship final is coming up, and Angelo's favorite team, the Wicker Kites, are up against the Knights.IMDB: The basketball championship final is coming up, and Angelo's favorite team, the Wicker Kites, are up against the Knights.IMDB: The basketball championship final is coming up, and Angelo's favorite team, the Wicker Kites, are up against the Knights.IMDB: The basketball championship final is coming up, and Angelo's favorite team, the Wicker Kites, are up against the Knights.IMDB: The basketball championship final is coming up, and Angelo's favorite team, the Wicker Kites, are up against the Knights.IMDB: The basketball championship final is coming up, and Angelo's favorite team, the Wicker Kites, are up against the Knights.IMDB: The basketball championship final is coming up, and Angelo's favorite team, the Wicker Kites, are up against the Knights.IMDB: The basketball championship final is coming up, and Angelo's favorite team, the Wicker Kites, are up against the Knights.IMDB: The basketball championship final is coming up, and Angelo's favorite team, the Wicker Kites, are up against the Knights.IMDB: The basketball championship final is coming up, and Angelo's favorite team, the Wicker Kites, are up against the Knights.IMDB: The basketball championship final is coming up, and Angelo's favorite team, the Wicker Kites, are up against the Knights.IMDB: The basketball championship final is coming up, and Angelo's favorite team, the Wicker Kites, are up against the Knights.IMDB: 8.8/10 (6)