Grantchester (S6-E3), diffusion du 11/11/24
Episode 3 : Bataille lectoraleDure : 52minLes lections partielles du village ont lieu aprs le suicide du prsident du conseil paroissial de . Will est approch par Maurice, candidat prnant la libert dentreprendre. Le pasteur lui oppose son devoir de neutralit. Reeny McArthur, la femme du dfunt, se met douter du caractre suicidaire du dcs de son mari aprs la rception dun courrier. Will, hsitant dfendre Lonard, souponn dhomosexualit, reoit des pressions de la part de sa hirarchie. En rponse aux inquitudes de la veuve de McArthur, le pasteur dcide denquter sur les raisons du dcs de son mari.IMDB: Will and Geordie are drawn into the cut-and-thrust world of local politics when the death of Councilor Derek McArthur prompts an election in Grantchester.IMDB: Will and Geordie are drawn into the cut-and-thrust world of local politics when the death of Councilor Derek McArthur prompts an election in Grantchester.IMDB: Will and Geordie are drawn into the cut-and-thrust world of local politics when the death of Councilor Derek McArthur prompts an election in Grantchester.IMDB: Will and Geordie are drawn into the cut-and-thrust world of local politics when the death of Councilor Derek McArthur prompts an election in Grantchester.IMDB: Will and Geordie are drawn into the cut-and-thrust world of local politics when the death of Councilor Derek McArthur prompts an election in Grantchester.IMDB: Will and Geordie are drawn into the cut-and-thrust world of local politics when the death of Councilor Derek McArthur prompts an election in Grantchester.IMDB: Will and Geordie are drawn into the cut-and-thrust world of local politics when the death of Councilor Derek McArthur prompts an election in Grantchester.IMDB: Will and Geordie are drawn into the cut-and-thrust world of local politics when the death of Councilor Derek McArthur prompts an election in Grantchester.IMDB: Will and Geordie are drawn into the cut-and-thrust world of local politics when the death of Councilor Derek McArthur prompts an election in Grantchester.IMDB: Will and Geordie are drawn into the cut-and-thrust world of local politics when the death of Councilor Derek McArthur prompts an election in Grantchester.IMDB: 7.7/10 (302)Tl-Loisirs Rdaction: 3/5