Hôtel Transylvanie : la série (S1-E8), diffusion du 30/11/24
Episode 8 : Un match collantDure : 11minMavis est une championne inconteste de ballon-morve et ne se gne pas pour le faire savoir tout le monde. Mais voil que dbarque Klaus, son tricheur de cousin venu du XIIe sicle. Celui-ci la dfie dans un duel de ballon-morve dont l'enjeu sera le clbre protge-dents en or de son pre. Pour gagner, Mavis n'a d'autre choix que d'tre aussi malhonnte que son cousin, peu importe les consquences. Plus tard, la jeune fille dcide de se dfaire de Wendy pour s'adjoindre un coquipier plus efficace...IMDB: In order to film a new feature, Hank pretends to be his dad. Mavis and Wendy act as matchmakers by setting up Lydia with Bob Blob.IMDB: In order to film a new feature, Hank pretends to be his dad. Mavis and Wendy act as matchmakers by setting up Lydia with Bob Blob.IMDB: In order to film a new feature, Hank pretends to be his dad. Mavis and Wendy act as matchmakers by setting up Lydia with Bob Blob.IMDB: In order to film a new feature, Hank pretends to be his dad. Mavis and Wendy act as matchmakers by setting up Lydia with Bob Blob.IMDB: In order to film a new feature, Hank pretends to be his dad. Mavis and Wendy act as matchmakers by setting up Lydia with Bob Blob.IMDB: In order to film a new feature, Hank pretends to be his dad. Mavis and Wendy act as matchmakers by setting up Lydia with Bob Blob.IMDB: In order to film a new feature, Hank pretends to be his dad. Mavis and Wendy act as matchmakers by setting up Lydia with Bob Blob.IMDB: In order to film a new feature, Hank pretends to be his dad. Mavis and Wendy act as matchmakers by setting up Lydia with Bob Blob.IMDB: In order to film a new feature, Hank pretends to be his dad. Mavis and Wendy act as matchmakers by setting up Lydia with Bob Blob.IMDB: In order to film a new feature, Hank pretends to be his dad. Mavis and Wendy act as matchmakers by setting up Lydia with Bob Blob.IMDB: In order to film a new feature, Hank pretends to be his dad. Mavis and Wendy act as matchmakers by setting up Lydia with Bob Blob.IMDB: In order to film a new feature, Hank pretends to be his dad. Mavis and Wendy act as matchmakers by setting up Lydia with Bob Blob.IMDB: 7.7/10 (29)