Inspecteur Barnaby (S18-E6), diffusion du 27/11/24

Saison 18 Format : Srie TVGenre : Srie policireSortie : 2016Pays : Grande-Bretagne
27/11/24 ~ 14:13 - 16:01

Episode 6 : Moisson d'amesDure : 1h28minL' enqute sur la mort de Harry Wyham, directeur d'un centre questre, empoisonn avec de la ktamine, un anesthsiant pour chevaux. Vivement critiqu pour ses projets ambitieux d'expansion coup de rachat de terres communales, d'arrts d'expulsion et de licenciements, il avait de nombreux ennemis. De plus, divorc et pre d'une fillette de 6 ans dont il a eu la garde, Harry tait galement en guerre ouverte avec la mre de celle-ci, Jessica.IMDB: When the owner of an equestrian center is trampled by his own horse, Barnaby unravels a complex feud from the past.IMDB: When the owner of an equestrian center is trampled by his own horse, Barnaby unravels a complex feud from the past.IMDB: When the owner of an equestrian center is trampled by his own horse, Barnaby unravels a complex feud from the past.IMDB: When the owner of an equestrian center is trampled by his own horse, Barnaby unravels a complex feud from the past.IMDB: When the owner of an equestrian center is trampled by his own horse, Barnaby unravels a complex feud from the past.IMDB: When the owner of an equestrian center is trampled by his own horse, Barnaby unravels a complex feud from the past.IMDB: When the owner of an equestrian center is trampled by his own horse, Barnaby unravels a complex feud from the past.IMDB: When the owner of an equestrian center is trampled by his own horse, Barnaby unravels a complex feud from the past.IMDB: When the owner of an equestrian center is trampled by his own horse, Barnaby unravels a complex feud from the past.IMDB: When the owner of an equestrian center is trampled by his own horse, Barnaby unravels a complex feud from the past.IMDB: When the owner of an equestrian center is trampled by his own horse, Barnaby unravels a complex feud from the past.IMDB: When the owner of an equestrian center is trampled by his own horse, Barnaby unravels a complex feud from the past.IMDB: 7.4/10 (621)Tl-Loisirs Rdaction: 3/5