Les enquêtes de Dan Sommerdahl (S4-E4), diffusion du 17/11/24
Episode 4 : diffusion du 09/06/2024Dure : 1h30minDan Sommerdahl, enquteur la brigade criminelle d'Elseneur, charmant village danois en bord de mer, vit un moment difficile : sa femme depuis 25 ans, Marianne, l'a quitt. Quand son collgue et ami de longue date Flemming Torp se retrouve la rue, Dan le pousse s'installer chez Marianne, ignorant tout de son amour pour elle. Pendant ce temps, le crime, lui, ne cesse pas de frapper Elseneur, obligeant Dan mettre de ct sa vie prive.IMDB: All the young suspects are clearly hiding something-and the police try to uncover what it is by confiscating their phones. Meanwhile, Dan's love life is blossoming, but why is Josefine suddenly so interested in his case?IMDB: All the young suspects are clearly hiding something-and the police try to uncover what it is by confiscating their phones. Meanwhile, Dan's love life is blossoming, but why is Josefine suddenly so interested in his case?IMDB: All the young suspects are clearly hiding something-and the police try to uncover what it is by confiscating their phones. Meanwhile, Dan's love life is blossoming, but why is Josefine suddenly so interested in his case?IMDB: All the young suspects are clearly hiding something-and the police try to uncover what it is by confiscating their phones. Meanwhile, Dan's love life is blossoming, but why is Josefine suddenly so interested in his case?IMDB: All the young suspects are clearly hiding something-and the police try to uncover what it is by confiscating their phones. Meanwhile, Dan's love life is blossoming, but why is Josefine suddenly so interested in his case?IMDB: All the young suspects are clearly hiding something-and the police try to uncover what it is by confiscating their phones. Meanwhile, Dan's love life is blossoming, but why is Josefine suddenly so interested in his case?IMDB: All the young suspects are clearly hiding something-and the police try to uncover what it is by confiscating their phones. Meanwhile, Dan's love life is blossoming, but why is Josefine suddenly so interested in his case?IMDB: All the young suspects are clearly hiding something-and the police try to uncover what it is by confiscating their phones. Meanwhile, Dan's love life is blossoming, but why is Josefine suddenly so interested in his case?IMDB: All the young suspects are clearly hiding something-and the police try to uncover what it is by confiscating their phones. Meanwhile, Dan's love life is blossoming, but why is Josefine suddenly so interested in his case?IMDB: All the young suspects are clearly hiding something-and the police try to uncover what it is by confiscating their phones. Meanwhile, Dan's love life is blossoming, but why is Josefine suddenly so interested in his case?IMDB: All the young suspects are clearly hiding something-and the police try to uncover what it is by confiscating their phones. Meanwhile, Dan's love life is blossoming, but why is Josefine suddenly so interested in his case?IMDB: All the young suspects are clearly hiding something-and the police try to uncover what it is by confiscating their phones. Meanwhile, Dan's love life is blossoming, but why is Josefine suddenly so interested in his case?IMDB: 7.1/10 (53)Tl-Loisirs Rdaction: 2/5Tl-Loisirs Spectateurs: 4/5 (3)