Les enquêtes de Vera (S11-E1), diffusion du 02/12/24

France 3
Saison 11 Format : Srie TVGenre : Srie policireSortie : 2020Pays : Grande-Bretagne
02/12/24 ~ 01:40 - 03:10

Episode 1 : Le tmoin idalDure : 1h30minLe cadavre de Jim Tullman, un chef dentreprise, gt aux pieds dune statue, manifestement battu mort, et de manire compltement passive. Linspectrice Vera Stanhope est charge de lenqute. Elle tente de comprendre labsente totale dauto-dfense, spcifiquement de la part dune personne robuste comme Jim. Elle explore les ennemis ventuels de cet homme manifestement apprci de tous. Rapidement, les enquteurs dcouvrent que la victime figure sur la liste des tmoins au procs dun homme accus dagression. Les soupons se tournent donc vers la famille de laccus.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: When a well-respected local builder is found beaten to death on the steps of the Collingwood Monument, Vera questions how such a seemingly beloved and imposing figure could be attacked so viciously.IMDB: 8.0/10 (591)Tl-Loisirs Rdaction: 4/5