Les enquêtes de Vera (S11-E2), diffusion du 09/12/24
Episode 2 : La voie de la gurisonDure : 1h29minAngela Konan, assistante sociale ddie au relogement d'anciennes toxicomanes, est retrouve morte dans une zone recule d'un parc national. Vera et son quipe se lancent dans une enqute complexe, cherchant percer les secrets de cette femme discrte et nigmatique, que personne ne semble connatre vritablement. L'investigation s'acclre lorsqu'ils dcouvrent une altercation rcente entre la victime et l'une de ses protges, deux semaines avant la tragdie. Cette dcouverte apporte un nouvel clairage sur la vie d'Angela et pourrait tre la cl pour rsoudre le meurtre.IMDB: Vera is called to the scene of a murdered support worker who is found hidden among the bleak woodlands of Northumberland National Park. Was this an attack of opportunity or a carefully planned ambush?IMDB: Vera is called to the scene of a murdered support worker who is found hidden among the bleak woodlands of Northumberland National Park. Was this an attack of opportunity or a carefully planned ambush?IMDB: Vera is called to the scene of a murdered support worker who is found hidden among the bleak woodlands of Northumberland National Park. Was this an attack of opportunity or a carefully planned ambush?IMDB: Vera is called to the scene of a murdered support worker who is found hidden among the bleak woodlands of Northumberland National Park. Was this an attack of opportunity or a carefully planned ambush?IMDB: Vera is called to the scene of a murdered support worker who is found hidden among the bleak woodlands of Northumberland National Park. Was this an attack of opportunity or a carefully planned ambush?IMDB: Vera is called to the scene of a murdered support worker who is found hidden among the bleak woodlands of Northumberland National Park. Was this an attack of opportunity or a carefully planned ambush?IMDB: Vera is called to the scene of a murdered support worker who is found hidden among the bleak woodlands of Northumberland National Park. Was this an attack of opportunity or a carefully planned ambush?IMDB: Vera is called to the scene of a murdered support worker who is found hidden among the bleak woodlands of Northumberland National Park. Was this an attack of opportunity or a carefully planned ambush?IMDB: Vera is called to the scene of a murdered support worker who is found hidden among the bleak woodlands of Northumberland National Park. Was this an attack of opportunity or a carefully planned ambush?IMDB: Vera is called to the scene of a murdered support worker who is found hidden among the bleak woodlands of Northumberland National Park. Was this an attack of opportunity or a carefully planned ambush?IMDB: Vera is called to the scene of a murdered support worker who is found hidden among the bleak woodlands of Northumberland National Park. Was this an attack of opportunity or a carefully planned ambush?IMDB: Vera is called to the scene of a murdered support worker who is found hidden among the bleak woodlands of Northumberland National Park. Was this an attack of opportunity or a carefully planned ambush?IMDB: 8.0/10 (630)Tl-Loisirs Rdaction: 4/5