MacGyver (S3-E9), diffusion du 08/02/25

Saison 3Format : Srie TVGenre : Srie d'actionSortie : 1987Pays : Canada - Etats-Unis
08/02/25 ~ 16:35 - 17:35

Episode 9 : Tel pre, tel filsDure : 46min est invit faire partie du jury d'un concours organis par le professeur Ryman, enseignant l'universit o a fait ses tudes.Lire moinsL'avis Tl-Loisirs :Aucun avis pour l'instantIMDB: An old mentor of MacGyver's asks him to judge a physics competition. The mentor's son becomes despondent after failing to win the competition and locks himself in the lab with a homemade bomb.IMDB: An old mentor of MacGyver's asks him to judge a physics competition. The mentor's son becomes despondent after failing to win the competition and locks himself in the lab with a homemade bomb.IMDB: An old mentor of MacGyver's asks him to judge a physics competition. The mentor's son becomes despondent after failing to win the competition and locks himself in the lab with a homemade bomb.IMDB: An old mentor of MacGyver's asks him to judge a physics competition. The mentor's son becomes despondent after failing to win the competition and locks himself in the lab with a homemade bomb.IMDB: An old mentor of MacGyver's asks him to judge a physics competition. The mentor's son becomes despondent after failing to win the competition and locks himself in the lab with a homemade bomb.IMDB: An old mentor of MacGyver's asks him to judge a physics competition. The mentor's son becomes despondent after failing to win the competition and locks himself in the lab with a homemade bomb.IMDB: 8.0/10 (393)