The Tower (S1-E2), diffusion du 30/11/24
Episode 2Dure : 1hLes agents Collins et Bradshaw cherchent activement Lizzie, toujours en cavale. Sarah insiste pour que le chef Bailie rende sa disparition publique. Les enquteurs sont amens faire de nouvelles dcouvertes brouillant les cartes.IMDB: With Lizzie still on the run, Sarah finally persuades her boss, DCI Tim Bailie, to go public about Lizzie's disappearance.IMDB: With Lizzie still on the run, Sarah finally persuades her boss, DCI Tim Bailie, to go public about Lizzie's disappearance.IMDB: With Lizzie still on the run, Sarah finally persuades her boss, DCI Tim Bailie, to go public about Lizzie's disappearance.IMDB: With Lizzie still on the run, Sarah finally persuades her boss, DCI Tim Bailie, to go public about Lizzie's disappearance.IMDB: With Lizzie still on the run, Sarah finally persuades her boss, DCI Tim Bailie, to go public about Lizzie's disappearance.IMDB: With Lizzie still on the run, Sarah finally persuades her boss, DCI Tim Bailie, to go public about Lizzie's disappearance.IMDB: With Lizzie still on the run, Sarah finally persuades her boss, DCI Tim Bailie, to go public about Lizzie's disappearance.IMDB: With Lizzie still on the run, Sarah finally persuades her boss, DCI Tim Bailie, to go public about Lizzie's disappearance.IMDB: With Lizzie still on the run, Sarah finally persuades her boss, DCI Tim Bailie, to go public about Lizzie's disappearance.IMDB: With Lizzie still on the run, Sarah finally persuades her boss, DCI Tim Bailie, to go public about Lizzie's disappearance.IMDB: With Lizzie still on the run, Sarah finally persuades her boss, DCI Tim Bailie, to go public about Lizzie's disappearance.IMDB: With Lizzie still on the run, Sarah finally persuades her boss, DCI Tim Bailie, to go public about Lizzie's disappearance.IMDB: 7.3/10 (330)Tl-Loisirs Rdaction: 3/5