Inspecteur Barnaby (S18-E1)
Episode 1 : Habeas corpusDure : 1h30minLe vieux Gregory Lancaster meurt, entour de son mdecin, de sa femme Hermione, de sa fille Rose et du compagnon de celle-ci, Craig Coffley. A l'arrive des pompes funbres, la famille, runie au rez-de-chausse, constate avec stupeur que le cadavre a disparu. Une deuxime dpouille disparat : celle de l'ex-nounou de la famille Lancaster, dcde cinq mois plus tt. Barnaby souponne un duo form par un mdecin et un croque-mort. Une enqute est mene sur le nombre de dcs survenus Little Malton au cours de ces dernires annes.IMDB: When a wealthy landowner's body goes missing on the night of his death, a sinister web of secrets and lies is exposed in the village of Little Malton.IMDB: When a wealthy landowner's body goes missing on the night of his death, a sinister web of secrets and lies is exposed in the village of Little Malton.IMDB: When a wealthy landowner's body goes missing on the night of his death, a sinister web of secrets and lies is exposed in the village of Little Malton.IMDB: When a wealthy landowner's body goes missing on the night of his death, a sinister web of secrets and lies is exposed in the village of Little Malton.IMDB: When a wealthy landowner's body goes missing on the night of his death, a sinister web of secrets and lies is exposed in the village of Little Malton.IMDB: When a wealthy landowner's body goes missing on the night of his death, a sinister web of secrets and lies is exposed in the village of Little Malton.IMDB: When a wealthy landowner's body goes missing on the night of his death, a sinister web of secrets and lies is exposed in the village of Little Malton.IMDB: When a wealthy landowner's body goes missing on the night of his death, a sinister web of secrets and lies is exposed in the village of Little Malton.IMDB: When a wealthy landowner's body goes missing on the night of his death, a sinister web of secrets and lies is exposed in the village of Little Malton.IMDB: When a wealthy landowner's body goes missing on the night of his death, a sinister web of secrets and lies is exposed in the village of Little Malton.IMDB: When a wealthy landowner's body goes missing on the night of his death, a sinister web of secrets and lies is exposed in the village of Little Malton.IMDB: When a wealthy landowner's body goes missing on the night of his death, a sinister web of secrets and lies is exposed in the village of Little Malton.IMDB: When a wealthy landowner's body goes missing on the night of his death, a sinister web of secrets and lies is exposed in the village of Little Malton.IMDB: When a wealthy landowner's body goes missing on the night of his death, a sinister web of secrets and lies is exposed in the village of Little Malton.IMDB: When a wealthy landowner's body goes missing on the night of his death, a sinister web of secrets and lies is exposed in the village of Little Malton.IMDB: When a wealthy landowner's body goes missing on the night of his death, a sinister web of secrets and lies is exposed in the village of Little Malton.IMDB: When a wealthy landowner's body goes missing on the night of his death, a sinister web of secrets and lies is exposed in the village of Little Malton.IMDB: When a wealthy landowner's body goes missing on the night of his death, a sinister web of secrets and lies is exposed in the village of Little Malton.IMDB: 7.4/10 (737)Tl-Loisirs Rdaction: 3/5