Inspecteur Barnaby (S19-E4)
Episode 4 : De fourrure et de sangDure : 1h28minUn jeune agent immobilier est retrouv mort au petit matin sous la grande tente de la foire-expo des petits animaux de Bellville Hall. Il a t poignard la nuque mais l'agent de scurit n'a rien vu ni entendu. Barnaby apprend rapidement que le dfunt s'tait disput avec un autre homme la veille. Il interroge galement sa petite amie, qui fait partie de lorganisation de la manifestation.Lire moinsL'avis Tl-Loisirs :Le cadre de cette enqute, dont les lapins sont les personnages secondaires, apporte une touche rafrachissante et amusante cet pisode plaisant. L'intrigue est par ailleurs bien mene de bout en bout grce quelques fausses pistes habiles et un lot de rvlations inattendues dans les dix dernires minutes.Lire moinsIMDB: The discovery of a body covered in live rabbits reveals a sinister side to the local pet show. Is this a rivalry taken too far or is the killer driven by something darker?IMDB: The discovery of a body covered in live rabbits reveals a sinister side to the local pet show. Is this a rivalry taken too far or is the killer driven by something darker?IMDB: The discovery of a body covered in live rabbits reveals a sinister side to the local pet show. Is this a rivalry taken too far or is the killer driven by something darker?IMDB: The discovery of a body covered in live rabbits reveals a sinister side to the local pet show. Is this a rivalry taken too far or is the killer driven by something darker?IMDB: The discovery of a body covered in live rabbits reveals a sinister side to the local pet show. Is this a rivalry taken too far or is the killer driven by something darker?IMDB: The discovery of a body covered in live rabbits reveals a sinister side to the local pet show. Is this a rivalry taken too far or is the killer driven by something darker?IMDB: The discovery of a body covered in live rabbits reveals a sinister side to the local pet show. Is this a rivalry taken too far or is the killer driven by something darker?IMDB: The discovery of a body covered in live rabbits reveals a sinister side to the local pet show. Is this a rivalry taken too far or is the killer driven by something darker?IMDB: The discovery of a body covered in live rabbits reveals a sinister side to the local pet show. Is this a rivalry taken too far or is the killer driven by something darker?IMDB: The discovery of a body covered in live rabbits reveals a sinister side to the local pet show. Is this a rivalry taken too far or is the killer driven by something darker?IMDB: The discovery of a body covered in live rabbits reveals a sinister side to the local pet show. Is this a rivalry taken too far or is the killer driven by something darker?IMDB: The discovery of a body covered in live rabbits reveals a sinister side to the local pet show. Is this a rivalry taken too far or is the killer driven by something darker?IMDB: 7.2/10 (696)Tl-Loisirs Rdaction: 3/5